Triad Hitchup

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Triad HITCH-UP Meeting Highlights 6/27/07

Topic: Presentation: Childhood Hearing Loss: The Importance of Early

Guest Speaker: Debra L. Tucci, M.D.; Director Otology/Neurotology and Cochlear
Implant Program
Division of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at Duke University Medical

Dr. Tucci started her discussion with points regarding auditory system
development in utero and through the first 12 months of life and beyond. There
was further discussion on the effects of deprivation (conductive hearing loss)
on early development of auditory function. We discussed ways for helping
children with chronic otitis media with middle ear effusion to develop normal
speech, language, cognition and behavior. Other causes of conductive loss and
tests of auditory function were discussed. The effects of chronic conductive
hearing loss are as follows: Articulation of speech and understanding speech in
noise, grammatical skills less developed and poorer performance on tasks
requiring sustained attention to language (paraphrasing a story), less likely to
attend to book reading, more often play alone, more easily distracted and less
independent by school age. We also briefly discussed the effects of minimal and
unilateral sensory neural hearing loss.

Practical guidelines for use with hearing impaired children: Speak simply and
clearly, promote one-on-one interaction with adults, enhance child's sustained
attention to language in small groups with reinforced listening and promote
active listening and eye contact, reduce ambient noise and promote good signal
to noise ratio.

Medical and Audiological Management should include: Advocate for hearing
assessment during episodes of Otitis Media Effusion, use to help determine
nature and timing of intervention, and treat aggressively; Don't underestimate
effects of mild, fluctuating or unilateral hearing loss; Develop parent and
teacher guidelines to minimize impact of hearing loss; Consider surgical
treatment or amplification even for young children with unilateral loss.

Parents Present:
Pam Bensimhon
Rhonda Shronts
Chris & Crystal Rierson
Leigh & Marty Reeves
Arthur & Tracy Tastet
Loretta & Matthew Slozer
Christy & Robert Burke
Ann McNally
Pam Bensimhom
Rhonda Shronts
Chris & Crystal Rierson

We neglected to include Wendy Katsiagianis on the attendee list last month.
Sorry Wendy! We love having you and looking forward to seeing you next month.

Children Present: (A big thank you to Rebecca & Laura Fleenor from Bizi
Angeleah Reeves
Collin and Hannah Tastet
Eli and Zack Bensimhon

Thanks to Rhonda Shronts for bringing the snacks for children and adults to the
meeting. Thank you to everyone who signed up to bring snacks to future

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, July 31, 2007. Our speaker will be Sharon
Moore, CED, AVT. The topic is: Reading & Language: How do they connect? We
hope that all can attend.

Pam Bensimhon, Crystal Rierson, Rhonda Shronts
Co-leaders, Triad Area HITCH-UP

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